Sunday, 24 November 2013

Is friendship between a man and a woman possibile? :)

I think that friendship is a very valuable gift in life. It accompanies love, but it also can occur by itself. The important thing is the ability to separate the two categories of feelings, a challenging task in cases when two opposite genders are involved. Sometimes, the distinction may be outright impossible. And because of this many people think that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. But I absolutely believe in this kind of friendship! :) I have three friends of the opposite sex. And I am very very happy that I met them some time ago and despite the difference in gender, age and many other things, we can talk to each other on every topic, we do not have any secrets from each other's and we always support in difficult times. If we can not meet as often as we would want, because everyone has own life, every meeting after this time is unique, we appreciate each other even more and appreciate our friendship.
Recently, I note that the friendship between girls disintegrates faster than the friendship between a man and a woman. I do not know on what basis this happens, but I know unfortunately from my own life that it happens very often.
This kind of friendship is very difficult and rare, but I think that it is possibile! Personally I can not imagine life without my three wonderful friends and I do not see problem that they are guys. ;)
According to me and as Aristotle said friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies, regardless of gender.

Do you believe in friendship (without benefits) between a man and a woman?

Monday, 11 November 2013

Week without Facebook

Today, almost everyone has got a profile on Facebook. Facebook is a good way to connect with people you haven't seen in years. You can use this site to see where people are working, who they are married to and what their hobbies are. If you live far away from family or friends, Facebook makes staying in touch quick and easy.
But on the other hand, Facebook has also its weeknesses. Many people become addicted to Facebook and they can not live without this social networking.Many users of Facebook add new post about nothing and they want to get many cliks "I like it". Recently, I saw a post of thirty-two women who wrote that her cat has bitten a cord in her appartment in two places. Ahh, what an interesting message! :) I can cite many different post on Facebook which are strange and uninteresting other. But I think that everyone not once saw so strange posts.

2 days ago Cabaret Ani Mru-Mru published video "Week without facebook". This cabaret begins his cabaret with words: shock, disbelief and panic which describe the reaction of the situation of a week without Facebook. This video is very interesting and funny and it's worth of seeing. The world in which we live is addicted to the Internet, to Facebook and life without Facebook, according to me, would be very hard for most of society.
What do you think about it?