Monday, 2 December 2013

Christmas decorations in November...

Bothers me a view of Christmas decorations in shop-windows already in mid-November. I think that it is too early. According to me, these ornaments spoil the magic of Christmas which is at the end of December. Walking around the shopping malls already everyone can hear Christmas songs and carols. Isn't it still a bit early for that? I think that a November is just a tad too early. I think that shop-windows have to encourage people already in November to buy Christmas decorations and gifts which later turn out to be an unsuccessful purchase.
What do you think about it?


  1. yeah...I agree with's denifitely too early..but it's a technique called "sales pitch" to persuade potential clients to buy products..and as we know, the visual impression counts, that's why we have already Christmas decoration.

  2. You know I was thinking in the same way like you but this year I changed my mind. I just though that there is no sens to irritate about that cause it will change nothing and this marketing will continue if we want it or not..Moreover, I found a positive side of it:you have long time to choose presents for family and friends!
