Tuesday, 1 April 2014

My hobby

Today I would like to present my few picture because photography is my hobby. :)  I love taking pictures of beautiful scenery, different buildings, nature, trees, animals or people.I really like taking digital macro photos, those really close up ones. I love also to take photos of sunrise and sunset. These moments of the day are the most beautiful and spectacular :) Through the lens you can see so many more details and taking photos also provides a new way of seeing the world around you. My family admire my photos and because of this I make pictures to them, but nobody doesn't want to take photos of me. :D My favourite season for taking pictures is the summer. I think that this hobby is very creative, it refreshes the mind and it gives me a thrill to capture the visual beauty of the world around me. :) But unfortunately photography is quite expensive pastime because when you want to take good pictures you have to have also a good camera which is expensive. I have spent almost 3000 złoty per my camera Nikon which is the best for me. :)
Here are some of my photos:


  1. "But unfortunately photography is quite expensive pastime because when you want to take good pictures you have to have also a good camera which is expensive." I'm sorry but you are completely wrong!! The most important thing is your own creativity. And spending 3000zł for your first camara it's a lot of money!

    I don't know if you've heard but this weekend in Poznań we have PDF (Poznańskie Dni Fotografii Przyrodniczej). Today there have been really interesting lectures in Targi Poznańskie, meetings with well-known polish photographers of nature, and exhibitions of course. Tomorrow there will be a lot of interesting stuff too.

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  3. these photos are really great, in my opinion! good luck with your hobby! :)

  4. Marianna, but it isn't my first camera. I had already a lot of cameras but not all of them did take a good photos, especially micro photos. But I agree with you that creativity is very important. :)

  5. I love macro photos! They make excellent desktop backgrounds ;) Your pictures here seem to have one thing in common - they are all very QUIET, peaceful, relaxing. I particularly like the first one - I guess I'll just nick it from here ;) You've got talent!
