Wednesday 8 January 2014

Books in our lives

       After a long break from college I had to return to normal life and Poznań... :( I will write this post about reading books.
      Books are very important in our lives, but not everyone likes to read them. There are many people who believe that the reading books is a waste of time. But I think that books are indispensable in everyone's life. They broaden the mind and they are very important source of information and knowledge about the world. But nowadays, when we have Internet, fewer and fewer people read books. People very often say that they do not have time for this. People prefer watching TV, playing computer games or other kinds of entertainment. But reading books has a lot of advantages. Whenever and wherever we are, on a train or bus, we can read them and in this way books seem to be irreplaceable. We may also take them on our holidays and read them lying on a beach and sunbathing. Books are also a way of escape from the real world into fiction and they allow you to forget about daily problems and stresses. I think that books develop our intellect and our soul. And also reading books to babies develops their imagination, varies their vocabulary and improves their memory. Reading aloud by parents introduces concepts such as letters, colors, numbers and shapes in a fun way. 
Many people say that books are the man's best friends. And what do you think about it? :)


  1. This is quite well written, with very careful grammar - well done! BTW, I do agree, totally :)

  2. I can't imagine a world without books! They are my best friends:)

  3. I think, that even the best film can never replace the book :) Books left a space to our immagination; let us invent how the characters may look like... Film offers just existing solutions
